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About Me

In sixth grade I was the accountant for the snack shop at Young AmeriTowne, a little “town” that helps elementary school students learn a bit about money and business.  It was my second time at Young AmeriTowne (usually the participants are fifth graders, but I was in the first 5th/6th split class at my school), and I had no idea what job I wanted.  My teacher suggested the snack shop accountant and, since I had always liked playing with money and pretending to do office paperwork, I agreed.  That day I decided I wanted to become an accountant.  A CPA and tax accountant to be exact.  I’m not sure how I made the leap from snack shop accountant to tax accountant, but I did.  And making that happen was my focus for the rest of my school years.


After college I immediately began taking review courses to sit for the CPA exam.  During that summer, though, a close friend almost died and, after spending the previous seven years working full time and working on my degree with very little time for friends, family or myself, I decided that becoming a CPA and tax accountant was no longer important to me.  In fact, I don’t think it had been that important to me for quite a while.  Instead of reassessing my interests and goals, though, I had stuck with the decision I had made in sixth grade.  Crazy, I know!


At this point I was a bit lost.  I had focused on one thing for so long that I wasn’t sure what else I wanted to do, or even could do, with my career.  I still had my degree in Accounting, though, so I wasn’t completely without options.  I found my way into the oil & gas industry and, nearly twenty years later (yes, that is an old picture over there), I'm still there.  I enjoy the stability of my career and what I do, but there is a large part of me that craves creativity.  I have always been a much better writer than speaker, like any good introvert is, and I enjoy freezing time through photography.  So here we are on this little website to chronicle my hobbies.


I hope you find a little laughter and comradery as you join me on this journey.  Thank you for your support, and I look forward to chatting with you!

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